Is Cremation Biblical?

What Are Some More Arguments Against?
Furthermore, it is argued that because Jesus was buried in the ground, we too should follow his example. Critics claim that only criminals were taken out to the garbage dump in the Valley of Hinnon and burned. This burning of the body represented judgment. Therefore, Christians should not participate in cremation since their loved ones are not criminals. However, once again opponents of cremation are guilty of isogesis. The texts of the Gospels were not written to promote burial in the ground or tombs. Instead, these texts were written to give an account of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. To extrapolate that cremation is an evil because Jesus was buried is absurd.
Some also used Amos 2:1 to prove that God opposes burning a corpse. The prophet states that God was angry at MoabS “because he burned, as if to lime, the bones of Edom’s king.” However, in this passage God is not condemning cremation, but Moab for an act of hatred against the king of Edom. Moab was treating the corpse with disrespect. As long as cremation is not treating a person with disrespect, it should be acceptable. For example, if someone was cremated because he was a black Christian, but a white Christian is buried because of the color of his skin, this is wrong.
The Final Word-

Cremation can be very beneficial for a society for several reasons. First, it does not occupy the amount of land that cemeteries do. The land can instead be used for agricultural purposes, housing, or for another noble purpose. Second, cremation cost less. Traditional funeral services can cost the family thousands of dollars. They should not feel guilty if they choose to cremate a family member because they cannot afford the cost. Nor should they feel guilty because they do not want to spend a fortune. Last, cremation is more sanitary than burial because infectious diseases could be present. Heating a corpse to 3,000 degree will certainly kill any bacteria or viruses.
Overall, I believe cremation is biblical. We have the freedom to choose to bury or cremate our loved ones.
Been a long time, Peter! Just read about your blog on Facebook and found it really timely, 'cause someone in the Philippines just asked me about this topic. Keep up the good work, Peter.
Apologetics Guy